Support civilians in Ukraine

You have the power to make a difference by supporting our efforts to bring critical assistance that directly contributes to saving lives and essential supplies to those in need – children, families, and communities who have lost everything due to the impact of conflict, disasters, and disease.
The international humanitarian organization MORKOD (Międzynarodowa Organizacja ds Reagowania Kryzysowego i Ochrony Dzieci) was founded on June 25 2024 in the European Union (Poland) by a team of humanitarian specialists. The representatives of our team were part of the management of international organizations: OSCE, Médecins sans Frontières, Red Cross Federation and have a huge experience of working in Ukraine since 2022. The founder and general director is Emil Alibeili, a Ukrainian doctor and project manager with more than seven years of work experience in humanitarian sphere, including the positions of chief operating officer and chief executive officer of the Ukrainian charity foundation.

Thanks to the generous donations from our supporters, we can quickly help people in emergencies and provide ongoing support to those facing long-lasting crises. We ensure that your contributions go to the areas where they are needed most. More than 81% of our total income directly goes to assisting people who have to leave their homes.
Support our response in Ukraine.

News and Resources
Explore the significant role your support plays in delivering international relief to millions of people.
    Who we are
    MORKOD represents a worldwide collective of dedicated humanitarians who join forces at the forefront of today's most pressing crises, united in their mission to forge a future where prosperity is accessible to all.
    What we do
    As a leading initial responder, we swiftly deliver emergency relief, often within hours, to those affected by disasters, regardless of their location or the prevailing conditions.

    We ensure that your donation is always used where the need is greatest. Well over 81% of our total income is used directly to support people in need. Help rush emergency relief to those who need it most.YOUR DONATION MATTERS!

    Emil Alibeili
    Founder & General Director
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