Kyiv city, Ukraine 08/2022

Always Present, Regardless of Location

As a leading initial responder, we swiftly deliver emergency relief, often within hours, to those affected by disasters, regardless of their location or the prevailing conditions.
We have been working to supply, strengthen and rehabilitate local healthcare facilities, and working with partners to deliver medical services through mobile medical units bringing healthcare personnel, including medical specialists, pharmacists and medicine, to villages in need.
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
We are providing MHPSS services to those in need, with a focus on treating the unseen wounds of war. We are providing training (including training-of-trainers) on emergency and trauma care, and psychological first aid (PFA), to clinicians and first responders, enabling them to better help others.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
With significant damage to infrastructure in Ukraine, access to water remains a public health priority for those trapped in cities.To support the needs MORKOD conducting a rapid response for medical structures and IDPs with providing water bottles and hygiene kits.

Livelihoods and Food Security

In 2022, we assisted 82,212 displaced people and contributed to restoring their food and economic security. We provided with 12 kg Food kits IDP's in more then 12 regions(oblast) of Ukraine.
Our focus for 2024 is to start education projects in Ukraine. The part of the project is financial support of children for there education in university. MORKOD is planning long-term projects in Ukraine.
Emergency Logistic Response
We are providing necessary tools for emergency renovation of medical structures after shelling by Russian troops. Our main focus are frontline oblasts.

We ensure that your donation is always used where the need is greatest. Well over 81% of our total income is used directly to support people in need. Help rush emergency relief to those who need it most.YOUR DONATION MATTERS!

Emil Alibeili
Founder & General Director
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