Kherson city, Ukraine 02/2023

Always Present, Regardless of Location

As a leading initial responder, we swiftly deliver emergency relief, often within hours, to those affected by disasters, regardless of their location or the prevailing conditions.
Our impact
During a time when an unprecedented number of people are leaving their homes, we assist thousands of individuals annually. Each one of them has a story.
82,212 people in need in Ukraine
in 2022/2023 we assisted
28,775 children in Ukraine
benefitted from our WASH,Hygiene and food security work
86,643 portions of food
delivered to internal displaced people in Odesa region
1,943 family
benefited from our food security work
6 medical structures
received rehabilitation or/and Pharma donation
Life-saving Efforts

When disaster strikes, entire communities can abandon their homes in a matter of days. This is why our emergency specialists, supported by our UCP (ex MORKOD in Ukraine) experts, swiftly respond to crises. Fully equipped and often working 24/7, we extend vital assistance to help families rebuild and regain stability.

We ensure that your donation is always used where the need is greatest. Well over 81% of our total income is used directly to support people in need. Help rush emergency relief to those who need it most.YOUR DONATION MATTERS!

Emil Alibeili
Founder & General Director
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