Corporate partnerships

Emil Alibeili, General Director of MORKOD, reporting about the project in one of the Kyiv hospitals to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. February 24, 2023.
A corporate partnership with the MORKOD international NGO involves an exchange of expertise, where businesses and corporations play a vital role in humanitarian efforts.
82,212 people in Ukraine received our assistance in 2022-2023 among them 28,775 children.

To address the needs of over 14 million people in Ukraine, we must unite across sectors and collaborate as one team. Through mutual partnerships, we are committed to discovering innovative solutions for those affected by disaster, helping them create a sustainable future for themselves and their communities.

During a time when an unprecedented number of people are leaving their homes, we assist thousands of individuals annually. Each one of them has a story.

We ensure that your donation is always used where the need is greatest. Well over 81% of our total income is used directly to support people in need. Help rush emergency relief to those who need it most.YOUR DONATION MATTERS!

Reach out to our email to set up an informal chat to discuss our shared values and potential for cooperation.
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